Now, from what you have done so far, what would your avatar be? Not what you would want it to be, that is the work of this chapter of course, but right now what avatar would those about you pick for you? If you were in the 6th grade what would those who knew you, pick for you?
In my case, the girl who picked everyone’s future, selected “Hairnet Mender,” for me. You were such a twat Maryann. But you did me a favor. The inner fire from the hell of grammar school still burns strong and has driven me for the last seventy years.
Now you have a vague idea of your present identity-avatar. The one with the gift of self-doubt who runs in your nightmares. We are going to change that.
We are going to create an avatar that wins the nightmares. And the mnemonic almost does this for you. It is an affirmation, a genetic code for creating your ideal self. Being a Ronin, Martial Artist, who is in the Arena, these words summon images, as they to. But now we have to go a bit further.
We want to actually cast the part we are creating.
This must be emotional powerful and ring true deep inside you. For this reason we have been using movies, and for your Avatar we will use a movie character the same way that a sculptor uses a wire armature. There are many hundreds of millions of dollars invested in these movies and their characters so that they can move you. We are going to harvest some of that investment for ourselves.
Let me ask a few more questions.
1. Of your favorite movies, which of their heroes would survive your worst nightmare?
2. If you could trade places with a movie character, so that he or she would look like you, wear your clothes, drive your car, which one would you want to send to execute your daily activities?
Take some time now and play with that.