I had no problem remembering the mnemonic and said it often. Perhaps too often. It really had no meaning for me. At first I really liked, “I am the man in the arena.” I read Theodore Roosevelt’s speech and that felt good. It went with my personality. So did martial artist, as I had been practicing karate almost all my life. Ronin felt good, but so what? And 1eye? That was nothing at all. And if I couldn’t grasp that, then why practice the 1eye Life System? So I had much on my mind when I went down the dark narrow alley to my coffee shop.
I was wearing a Gortex jacket I had picked up in Vietnam as it looked like rain. A very heavy rain. The sky was darkened with heavy clouds and I thought I’d heard thunder in the distance. I doubted he’d be there today. But I very much wanted this to work.
When I emerged from the alley the coffee tables were there, but no one else was. The dark clouds overhead changed the atmosphere completely so that I felt a little chill and doubted that they were open. As I got closer I saw a light inside and smiled. At least I would have my coffee.
Before, I had always just walked into the shop and ordered my coffee. This time I stopped first and made a slight bow. In traditional karate, in the old days, we used to make a bow before walking into the dojo, which means place of enlightenment. On a shallow level, this was to show respect, on a deeper level this was a cue for a different state of mind. The way this beautiful woman made coffee showed that the shop was her place of enlightenment, and so I bowed to show respect.
When I entered, she made a slight bow back and then smiled at me.”I would like an Americano, large,” I said.
She smiled and poured boiling water into a coffee mug to heat it. Then she took beans from the refrigerator and began to grind them. As she did so I regarded the large mural on the back wall. In large splashed red letters it said, “Musha shugyō,” and there was a depiction of Miyamoto Musashi against a green The Matrix background. I liked it very much. I got most of it. The background represented social control, dystopia, and Musashi was the answer. But “What does Musha Shugyo mean,” I asked.
She put the ground beans in a coffee machine and it began to do something that made noise and hissed. She spoke above the hiss. “In the time of the samurai, a warrior might make a pilgrimage, as a ronin, seeking to find and overcome difficulties, and refine his character.” She continued to work on my Americano.
And I thought of Musashi. I had read his, Book of Five Rings more than once. Each time I gained something from the reading. Even though I knew his life story, it was only now that I considered that it had all been a pilgrimage for excellence.
And I knew the same was true for me. I had visited and trained at more than one martial arts studio, and I have had my ass kicked by some of the best in the world. But then and now, I felt there was something just out of reach for me to earn. That feeling was coming back, and I welcomed it. Outside dark clouds closed over the coffee shop.
Musha shugyō. That felt and sounded good to me. While she finished preparing my Americano, I thought of myself on a pilgrimage, and I recited the mnemonic, but something was missing. She looked straight and deep into my eyes as she handed me the coffee. I took it and made a slight bow, she did the same and I took it outside, into a cold wind, and saw Ronin siting at my table.
“I am very glad to see you,” I said as I sat down.
He smiled and said, “It doesn’t mean anything yet, does it?”
I didn’t answer right away. I focused on the coffee as it went down, and I thought of the question in terms of the mural on the back of the coffee shop with its, “Musha shugyō.” It had something to it. It seemed to summarize my situation, the problem and the answer, all in one mural. Perhaps I should have it tattooed somewhere. Dystopia, and complete freedom. Pen and sword in accord. I had always thought of that as my life, but here I was feeling like a beginner. I answered “Maybe a little. I like the first position, ‘I am the man in the arena,’ and it all has a good flow to it.”
“But it’s not a system yet.”
There was another roll of thunder and with it a gust of wind. I cupped my hands about the coffee to keep it warm, and felt the heat it was losing.
“No,” I said.
“Part of what makes it a system is that each position has a visualization and an emotion. So that as you recite the mnemonic you will recall certain emotions.” He raised his hand to keep me from interrupting him. “As you do all that, you are charged up, because the mnemonic is also an affirmation for the best version of yourself.”
I thought about that, and he must have thought I needed more. He said, “The affirmation builds itself, corrects itself. All this, when done right, approaches a superpower, or as close as you are ever going to get.”
“That’s the whole system?” I was trying to grasp it before he had fully explained it. This was my nature, and of course he knew that.
He looked at me and smiled. “Don’t worry. Before we are done with that coffee, you will have a life system. Everything I’ve said so far is nothing without actual practice. We have exercises. I will give you one a week. You will work on that, we will review how it went, and then do another the following week.”
“That’s like Ben Franklin,” I said.
He nodded. “Ben said, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” The exercises are your involvement.”
It had become very dark now and I could smell the charge in the air. The wind gusted more often and I could feel it through my clothes. I pushed the coffee across. He drank some, passed it back, and said, “First you need the visualizations.”
“I want you to feel something specific at each position. For Man in the arena, feel the sand beneath your feet, the weight of the gladius in your hand.
“Wait till I am done. We will review it all in days to come. For now, I just want to get you doing it right.”
There was a flash of lightning and thunder rolled very close.
“When you think, the Martial artist, listen intently, commit to becoming the man who can do the job. Then Ronin is the idiosyncratic you, different from all others, a different journey. Align yourself so that you feel the weight of your head on your heels with your ass perfectly in the middle.”
A gust of wind blew his hair about. Lightning flashed and the thunder came quickly. He didn’t react.
“When you subvocalize 1eye, Close one eye, and focus on the darkness, you access the Void. Then you switch. Open that eye and close the other. Thus you summon genius and creativity. Then Laughing Pirate means full and total commitment to unleash everything you have trained and stored for maximum performance. Explosion with no holding back, no self-doubt.”
He reached for the coffee as I tried to burn into my mind what he was saying. He drank, pushed it back, and said, “Seeking beauty is what you will do constantly from now on. It is there about you, and you will create it, and store it within. Is this moment not beautiful?”
And the realization of how beautiful it really was flooded me. If this had been a painting in a museum, I would have stood before it. Two figures sharing a cup of coffee beneath a dark sky with lightning. I felt myself relax and smile.
“Then there is “Strange Land,” he said. “That will take much explaining, and at the end, you will have an intellectual armamentarium beyond your imagining. But for now, consider the “pinball” people that make up your world. They are the product of chance. They think of themselves by whatever role they fell into, trade their lives for tokens and trash, and live through various media. That’s strange enough to begin with.”
I nodded agreement.
He nodded. A few drops fell and splashed in the coffee cup. “Grateful is being a total and complete success this very instant.”
And I could feel that. I was alive here and now. I thought, “Thank you.” to the universe, to infinity.
“And now you can comprehend The adventure. Life is either an adventure or it is slavery. Your choice. “
At that moment there was a very powerful gust of wind and the storm burst upon us. A loud crackling of lightening lit up the entire area and the thunder seemed to shake my guts. A drenching downpour immediately followed. The water ran down his face and over his lips.
“Now recite the mnemonic!”
The rain beat upon me. “I am the man in the arena. I tried to feel the sword in my hand. The martial artist. I went into listening to the rain. Ronin made me hold my head higher, 1eye, and I blinked one eye which opened intuition. Laughing Pirate didn’t do anything for me. But seeking Beauty resonated deep within as again lightning flashed and thunder rolled. Strange Land made me think of all the pinball people, and grateful was easy. I said, “Thank you,” to the storm. And I was charged up by the thought of Musha Shugyo.”
I knew I had just begun.