What is the Ultimate Failure?
What a failure, if a caterpillar never became a butterfly. The same for you if you never become what you really are. In both cases effort is necessary.
I have developed some exercises over the years that are like nothing you have ever heard of. They will rewire you, remake you beyond your imagining, and yet they are so simple that when you do them, only you will know you are training.
The exercises, as simple and easy as they
You will spend about 30.000 hours in your lifetime driving. We can harvest some of those hours for training. No one will know what you are doing, but each time you get out of the car, you will be ever so slightly changed. The exercises are their own reward.
I like the way Amelia Earhart said it, “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.”
It feels good to change and improve. It has to be rewarding for the caterpillar to make his climb. I know this sound
And you have to do
Often times comic book
The idea is to make a small improvement every day. The Japanese word for this is kaizen. This begins each morning when you do the mnemonic exercise. And during the day when you do something better, and note it, and give yourself credit for it. This isn’t like going from a couch potato one day to doing pushups to exhaustion the next. It can be as small as just being more focused when you brush your teeth.
Small improvements every day.
You want to find one thing each day, and once that day, do it better. The training program inherent in this book is built around this concept. There is no one thing that is difficult, except the commitment to the program.
The commitment and vision of being the hero of your life. Right now there are a number of activities that you hopefully do each day. Waking and sleeping, showering, driving somewhere on a regular basis, and then walking about. You can make slight changes in these day to day activities and they will, over time transform you.
Each position has a very simple exercise. I know that doing “simple” exercises daily is not easy. I struggle the same as you. After you do an exercise, tell yourself, “That is me,” doing it better. And then visualize the change and direction of improvement.
What we are going to do is focus on just one exercise a week. I will be doing it with you. After seven days you will begin to see a difference, and the exercise will make more sense. Then next week we will focus on another position of the mnemonic and an exercise that goes with it.
We will start next week with an exercise that increases your free will and develops emotional control. It is quite “easy,” and only takes three seconds.