I told you before that progress becomes more difficult as we move from stage to stage.
This step requires a leap of faith—not in something external, but in yourself. Fortunately, we are not without guidance. Movies have shown us glimpses of this transformation:
- Star Wars: Luke trusting the Force, letting go of sight and control.
- The Matrix: Neo seeing beyond the illusion of reality.
- The Last Samurai: Algren discovering mushin—no-mind, pure action.
In each of these stories, the hero was called to access something within himself—something he did not even know existed.
These movies were global successes because they struck a deep chord. For a fleeting moment, audiences felt the connection—as if they almost touched the Void, as if they almost accessed the unseen depths beneath their own surface.
Now, you will attempt to grasp the totality of your own being. And remember—since it is your own being, it is always there. It is always a part of you.
The only thing in your way?
While reciting the mnemonic, you will arrive at the position “1-Eye.”
This is your signal.
Step 1: Closing One Eye
- Close one eye and regard the emptiness.
- For a moment, comprehend that part of your universe has disappeared.
- Try to grasp what remains. What is still there?
Step 2: Switching Eyes
- Now, open the closed eye and close the other.
- Your natural tendency will be to focus on what the open eye sees.
- Don’t.
Step 3: Focusing on the Void
- Shift your awareness to the closed eye.
- Do not fill it with thoughts.
- Do not analyze.
- Simply exist in the emptiness.
Wordlessly ask.
Recall the iceberg metaphor.
- The conscious mind is the tip—small, visible, the part we live in.
- The subconscious mind is the vast unseen—powerful, deep, silent.
An iceberg cannot see beneath itself, just as you cannot see into your depths.
Unless you close an eye. I know this is pushing the boundary of reason—but bear with me.
Step 4: Linking to the Wordless Mind
You already access the Void—every night, in your dreams.
But this happens passively. Now, I want you to feel the conscious link. And like any skill, this will strengthen with practice.
Step 5: Summoning Assistance from the Void
- As you focus on the closed eye, wordlessly ask.
- It may feel strange, even impossible, at first.
- But think: Have you ever prayed, pleaded, or reached for something greater in moments of desperation?
- If so, then you have already spoken to the Void—even if you have forgotten how.
In each of the movies we mentioned, the hero had to train to access his hidden power.
Luke could not wield the Force immediately.
Neo could not dodge bullets on day one.
Algren did not understand mushin until his body moved without thought.
They had to practice. They had to struggle before they could see.
Now it is your turn.
Your connection to the Void is already there. You just need to remember how to reach it.
As you go about your day, repeat this exercise in small moments:
- Close one eye. Feel what is missing. Observe what remains.
- Switch. Let go of words. Ask. Listen.
- Each time you do this, you strengthen the connection.
One day, you will find it is no longer an exercise.
The Void will answer before you ask.
And then, you will know:
1-Eye is open.