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The Mnemonic

I am the man in the arena. The martial artist. Ronin. 1 eye, Laughing pirate. Seeking beauty. In a strange land.

Let me tell you how to execute the mnemonic. This should be weird enough to  hold your interest. First, the mnemonic covers nine positions, attitudes, or mental-spiritual states. Whichever suits you best, call them that, and it incorporates the basics.

Just repeating the mnemonic is an affirmation. You are saying it because you are struggling in a bad situation, or you are just training to be a better version. That is an affirmation, an ideal, a push back.

Okay, that was easy, we get that, now for the visualization part. I have chosen seven videos or movie clips that either in totality, or have scenes, that support the attitude and cause the viewer to feel the needed emotion. Is that weird? Consider that they spend hundreds of millions on these movies to stir your emotions, and they would not have been a success if they didn’t resonate with a deep part of you.

So when you recite the mnemonic you will flash on a scene, so that you feel the attitude deep in your gut. And so now we have gotten the emotion we need for change. And now the training. You see it, you feel it, and now you have to do it.


The mnemonic:

I am the man in the arena. The martial artist. Ronin. 1 eye, Laughing pirate. Seeking beauty. In a strange land. 


A brief explanation of each attitude

Twenty-one words that will become your companion, mentor, and super power. Bear with me while I rush through a quick explanation.